Thursday, April 4, 2019

Multiple choice qustions

1.   Diverticulitis is a common disease of the bowel, in particular the large intestine. Diverticulitis develops from diverticulosis, which involve the formation of pouches (diverticula)
a-     On the outside of colon
b-    On the inside of colon
c-     On the outside of caecum
d-    All
2.   Celiac disease is a disorder in which a person’s digestive system is damaged by the response of immune system to a protein -----
a-   Albumin
b-   Avidin
c-   Gluten
d-   All
3.   Inflammatory bowel disease is the chronic inflammation of the intestine which usually affect older kids, teens & adults. These are following types -----
a-     Ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease & intermediate colitis
b-    Cholecystitis & crohn’s disease
c-     Cholestasis & cholecystisis
d-    All
4.   Ulcerative colitis usually affects just the ----- & -----, while crohn’s disease can affect the whole gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus along with some other parts of the body
a-     Small intestine & colon
b-    Colon & rectum
c-      Rectum & small intestine
d-    All
5.   Polyp, an abnormal growth of tissue (tumor projecting from mucous membrane). If it is attached to the surface by a narrow elongated stalk it is said to be -----, if no stalk is present it said to be -----
a-     Sessile, pedunculated
b-    Pedunculated, sessile
c-     Solitary , sessile
6.   Polyps are commonly found in the colon, stomach, nose, urinary bladder & uterus. They may also occur elsewhere in the body where mucous membranes exist like -----
a-   Cervix & small intestine
b-   Cervix & coelom
c-   Coelom & haemocoel
d-   None
7.   Cholecystitis is acute or chronic inflammation in the gallbladder causes abdominal pain. 90% of cases of acute cholecystitis are caused by the presence of -----. The actual inflammation is due to secondry infection with bacteria of an obstructed -----
a-   Virus, gallstone
b-   Gallstone, gallbladder
c-   Bacteria, gallstone
d-   Hepatocytes, gallstone
8.   A lethal condition of gallbladder, when a ----- block either the common bile duct or the duct leading into it from gallbladder.
a-   Liver fluik
b-   Gallstone
c-   Both
d-   None
Answer - b
9.   GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occur when the lower esophageal sphincter is not able to -----
a-   Close properly
b-   Open properly
c-   Both
d-   None
10. Internal hemorrhoids are condition that occur inside the rectum, untreated internal hemorrhoids can laed to two sever forms of hemorrhoids -----
a-   Prolapsed & strangulated hemorrhoids
b-   Thrombosed   & prolapsed
c-   Thrombosed & & strangulated hemorrhoids
d-   All
11. GATA-2, transcription factor is necessary for the development of all hematopoietic lineages, & in absence of this factor
a-     Animal die within 2 month of birth
b-    Animal die during embryogenesis
c-     Animal survive with low immunity
d-    Animal born with low immunity but gain immunity with increasing age
12.   For self renewal of HSCs transcriptional regulator, Bmi -1 is required, absence of this factor
a-   Animal die within 2 month of birth
b-   Animal die during embryogenesis
c-   Animal survive with low immunity
d-   Animal born with low immunity but gain immunity with increasing age
13. Filarial is a disease, which is commonly occur in
a-   Subtropical & tropical countries
b-   Subtropical countries
c-   Tropical countries
d-   Polar region only
14. Lymph derived from the fluid component of blood (plasma) that seeps through capillaries into surrounding tissue. About 2.9 liters fluid seep per-day, if these fluids were not returned to circulation cause edema, a life threatening process. We do not develop such edema normally because fluid returned blood through ----- & remaining of fluid enters the delicate network primary -----
a-   Venules, lymphatic vessels
b-   Lymphatic vessels, venules
c-   Arterioles, lymphatic vessels
d-   Arterioles, venules
15. Ikaros & Notch are families of transcriptional regulators of haemopoiesis. ikaros is necessary for ----- but not for ----- development
a-   Myeloid, lymphoid
b-   Lymphoid, myeloid
c-   Erythroid, lymphoid
d-   None
16. Choice T & B lymphocytes lineages regulated by -----
a-   Ikaros
b-   Bmi 1
c-   Notch 1
d-   GATA 2
17. In autologous transplantation of stem cell
a-   The donor is genetically identical
b-   The recipient is also the donor
c-   The donor & recipient are not genetically identical
d-   None of the above
18. In case of syngenic transplantation of stem cell is
a-   The donor is genetically identical
b-   The recipient is also the donor
c-   The donor & recipient are not genetically identical
d-   None of the above
19.   In allogenic transplantation of stem cell
a-   The donor is genetically identical
b-   The recipient is also the donor
c-   The donor & recipient are not genetically identical
d-   None of the above
20. Autologous stem cell transplantation can also be usefull for gene therapy to correct a disorder caused by a defective gene. Such as introduction of the ---------- gene to correct SCID, a form of immuno- deficiency
a-     Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
b-    Adenosine aminase
c-     Notch
d-    Ikaros
Answer:1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-b, 9-a,10- a, 11-b, 12-a, 13-a, 14-a, 15-b, 16-c, 17-b, 18-a, 19-c, 20-a

Contributed by- Nargis K.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Multiple choice question on Digestion

1)  Maltase a carbohydrates digesting enzyme secreted from -----, the site of release -----, & have …………pH level
a)     Small intestine, small intestine, basic
b)    Pancreas, small intestine, basic
c)     Pancreas, stomach, acidic
d)    Pancreas, stomach, basic
2)  Enyme for nucleic acid digestion is secreted from pancreas, release into ----- & have ----- pH level
a)     Stomach, acidic
b)    Small intestine, acidic
c)     Stomach, basic
d)    Small intestine, basic
3)  Trypsin cleaves peptide chains mainly at the carboxyl side of the amino acids lysine or arginine, except when either is followed by -----
a)     Leucine
b)    Proline
c)     Cysteine
d)    All
4)  Chymotrypsin preferentially cleaves peptide amide bond, where tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine present in protein, chymotrypsin also hydrolyzes other amide bonds in peptides at slower rate, particularly those containing -----
a)     Leucine, methionine
b)    Proline, cysteine
c)     Threonine
d)    None
5)  The 2 protease of the pancreas are trypsinogen & chymotrypsinogen, are inactivated form of  trypsin & chymptrypsin, once released in the intestine, the enzyme ----- present in-----  activates trypsinogen by cleaving it to form trypsin
a)     Enterokinase, intestinal mucosa
b)    Enterokinase, pancreas
c)     Cholecystokinin, intestine
d)    None
6)  Islets of langerhance contain ----- beta cells, that producing -----
a)     50-80%, insulin
b)    15-20%, glucagon
c)     3-10%, somatostanin
d)    None
7)  The ----- among the few internal human organs, capable of natural regeneration of lost tissue: as little as 25% of remaining, regenerate into a whole -----
a)     Lung
b)    Spleen
c)     Liver
d)    None
8)  In the 1st trimester fetus, the ----- is the main site of RBC production. By 32nd weeks of gestation, the ----- has almost completely taken over that task
a)     Liver, spleen
b)    Spleen, bone marrow
c)     Liver, bone marrow
d)    None
9)  Tracheoesophageal fistula is a congenital condition, in which there is a connection between the -----
a)     Esophagus &wind pipe
b)    Pharynx & larynx
c)     Esophagus & stomach
d)    All
10)              Esophageal atresia is a congenital condition, in which the esophagus of new born does not connect to the stomach &
a)     Connected with lever
b)    Comes to a dead end right before the stomach
c)     Connected to lung
d)    None

Answer: 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-a, 6-a, 7-c, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b

Contributed by : Nargis K.

Real Time PCR and its Application in Plant Pathology-III

Relevant Features of Real-Time PCR            Rapidity : Compared with classical PCR, real-time PCR is rapid to provide reliable data. T...