Thursday, April 4, 2019

Multiple choice qustions

1.   Diverticulitis is a common disease of the bowel, in particular the large intestine. Diverticulitis develops from diverticulosis, which involve the formation of pouches (diverticula)
a-     On the outside of colon
b-    On the inside of colon
c-     On the outside of caecum
d-    All
2.   Celiac disease is a disorder in which a person’s digestive system is damaged by the response of immune system to a protein -----
a-   Albumin
b-   Avidin
c-   Gluten
d-   All
3.   Inflammatory bowel disease is the chronic inflammation of the intestine which usually affect older kids, teens & adults. These are following types -----
a-     Ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease & intermediate colitis
b-    Cholecystitis & crohn’s disease
c-     Cholestasis & cholecystisis
d-    All
4.   Ulcerative colitis usually affects just the ----- & -----, while crohn’s disease can affect the whole gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus along with some other parts of the body
a-     Small intestine & colon
b-    Colon & rectum
c-      Rectum & small intestine
d-    All
5.   Polyp, an abnormal growth of tissue (tumor projecting from mucous membrane). If it is attached to the surface by a narrow elongated stalk it is said to be -----, if no stalk is present it said to be -----
a-     Sessile, pedunculated
b-    Pedunculated, sessile
c-     Solitary , sessile
6.   Polyps are commonly found in the colon, stomach, nose, urinary bladder & uterus. They may also occur elsewhere in the body where mucous membranes exist like -----
a-   Cervix & small intestine
b-   Cervix & coelom
c-   Coelom & haemocoel
d-   None
7.   Cholecystitis is acute or chronic inflammation in the gallbladder causes abdominal pain. 90% of cases of acute cholecystitis are caused by the presence of -----. The actual inflammation is due to secondry infection with bacteria of an obstructed -----
a-   Virus, gallstone
b-   Gallstone, gallbladder
c-   Bacteria, gallstone
d-   Hepatocytes, gallstone
8.   A lethal condition of gallbladder, when a ----- block either the common bile duct or the duct leading into it from gallbladder.
a-   Liver fluik
b-   Gallstone
c-   Both
d-   None
Answer - b
9.   GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occur when the lower esophageal sphincter is not able to -----
a-   Close properly
b-   Open properly
c-   Both
d-   None
10. Internal hemorrhoids are condition that occur inside the rectum, untreated internal hemorrhoids can laed to two sever forms of hemorrhoids -----
a-   Prolapsed & strangulated hemorrhoids
b-   Thrombosed   & prolapsed
c-   Thrombosed & & strangulated hemorrhoids
d-   All
11. GATA-2, transcription factor is necessary for the development of all hematopoietic lineages, & in absence of this factor
a-     Animal die within 2 month of birth
b-    Animal die during embryogenesis
c-     Animal survive with low immunity
d-    Animal born with low immunity but gain immunity with increasing age
12.   For self renewal of HSCs transcriptional regulator, Bmi -1 is required, absence of this factor
a-   Animal die within 2 month of birth
b-   Animal die during embryogenesis
c-   Animal survive with low immunity
d-   Animal born with low immunity but gain immunity with increasing age
13. Filarial is a disease, which is commonly occur in
a-   Subtropical & tropical countries
b-   Subtropical countries
c-   Tropical countries
d-   Polar region only
14. Lymph derived from the fluid component of blood (plasma) that seeps through capillaries into surrounding tissue. About 2.9 liters fluid seep per-day, if these fluids were not returned to circulation cause edema, a life threatening process. We do not develop such edema normally because fluid returned blood through ----- & remaining of fluid enters the delicate network primary -----
a-   Venules, lymphatic vessels
b-   Lymphatic vessels, venules
c-   Arterioles, lymphatic vessels
d-   Arterioles, venules
15. Ikaros & Notch are families of transcriptional regulators of haemopoiesis. ikaros is necessary for ----- but not for ----- development
a-   Myeloid, lymphoid
b-   Lymphoid, myeloid
c-   Erythroid, lymphoid
d-   None
16. Choice T & B lymphocytes lineages regulated by -----
a-   Ikaros
b-   Bmi 1
c-   Notch 1
d-   GATA 2
17. In autologous transplantation of stem cell
a-   The donor is genetically identical
b-   The recipient is also the donor
c-   The donor & recipient are not genetically identical
d-   None of the above
18. In case of syngenic transplantation of stem cell is
a-   The donor is genetically identical
b-   The recipient is also the donor
c-   The donor & recipient are not genetically identical
d-   None of the above
19.   In allogenic transplantation of stem cell
a-   The donor is genetically identical
b-   The recipient is also the donor
c-   The donor & recipient are not genetically identical
d-   None of the above
20. Autologous stem cell transplantation can also be usefull for gene therapy to correct a disorder caused by a defective gene. Such as introduction of the ---------- gene to correct SCID, a form of immuno- deficiency
a-     Adenosine deaminase (ADA)
b-    Adenosine aminase
c-     Notch
d-    Ikaros
Answer:1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-b, 9-a,10- a, 11-b, 12-a, 13-a, 14-a, 15-b, 16-c, 17-b, 18-a, 19-c, 20-a

Contributed by- Nargis K.

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