Thursday, September 20, 2018

Function of Vir genes

The genes responsible for the transfer of the T-DNA region into the host plant are also situated on the Ti plasmid in a region of approximately 40 kb outside the T-DNA, known as the vir (virulence) region. The genes of vir region are not transferred themselves; they only induce the transfer of T-DNA.
These genes have following functions:

Vir genes
Encodes acetosyringone (phenolic sensor) receptor protein, functions as autokinase; also activates VirG gene by phosphorylation leading to constitutive expression of all genes
Encodes membrane protein, involved in conjugal tube formation through which T-DNA is transport, VirB11 has ATPase activity
Encodes helicase enzymes, binds to the overdrive region, unwinding of T-DNA
Topoisomerase activity- required for T-DNA processing, modulates VirD2 activity
VirD2 is an endonuclease- nicks the right border of T-DNA, directs T-DNA through the VirB/VirD4 transfer apparatus, contain nuclear localization sequences (NLS) that promote nuclear uptake of the T-complex
Components of transfer apparatus
Required for VirE2 export from Agrobacterium
Single strand binding protein (SSBP), binds to T-DNA during transfer, forms a membrane channel that transfers the T-strand through the plant plasma membrane, involved in nuclear targeting and passage through nuclear pore complex, contain nuclear localization sequences (NLS), assist nuclear uptake of the T-complex by keeping the T-strand in an unfolded state
Directs protein coating of T-DNA complex removal by proteasomal machinery
Master controller DNA binding protein, vir A activates vir G by phosphorylation, vir G dimerises and activates constitutive expression of all vir operons
T-DNA export

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