Thursday, February 28, 2019

Science education and awareness among rural girls

Today’s society is totally dependent on science. Science is important in every walk of life e.g., agriculture, health, sports, space, defense etc. it’s true that we are completely dependent on science for our every routine work e.g., food, medicines, clothes etc. Inspite all these many people are unaware of science behind these all things. Many people (maximum are illiterate are less educated) are superstitious and they have their own views to explain things. In past two decades literacy rate is increasing in India. Educated people are aware of science and scientific incidents. Science education is main part of our literacy program. To know level of science education and interest of girls in science, we have made a survey among rural girl students. All students were from class 9th students to graduate and 14 years to 21 years in age. These all students were belonging to middle class and lower middle class family. We talked with them about their interest in science, superstition, their family approach toward education and science. During our study we noticed that family of maximum students were orthodox, they believe in superstition and hardly believe in science. But these students showed their very interest in science and they want to learn science. Few students were confused about science and superstition.
With this study we draw a conclusion that despite parent’s mentality, economic status and societal barrier these all students were enthusiastic to learn science. They knew the role of science in well being of their lives. Here, at this point role of educational institution is very crucial. There should be mandatory to start scientific awareness program weekly in every schools. This would be significant step in creating a scientific environment and temperament among students as well.

Authors: Dr. Sanjay Kr. Vishwakarma and Ms. Nargis K.

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